October 14, 2024
What it's like to live in Canada

To stay in Canada there are several valid reasons to do so. When compared to other countries, Canada excels in many areas of well-being. Canada has superior levels of happiness, social cohesion and health compared to other countries.

You can be ready for anything if you consider the positive and negative aspects first. Take a moment to find out what it’s like to live in Canada.

How to live

There are many factors you need to consider if you want to live in Canada:

  • Accommodation
  • Work
  • Weather
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Security
  • Health
  • Cost of living

Do you know

In Canada, there are:

37.1 million inhabitants and;

The nation welcomes 25.3 million visitors annually.

About Us 17.9% of Canada’s energy comes from renewable sources.


If you plan to live in Canada, you need to know where to live. Housing provides shelter, but it is more than four walls and a roof. Of course housing affordability is a concern.

Housing is often a major family expense for many households, including rent, gas, electricity, water, furniture and repairs. Canadians spend 23% of their adjusted income on housing.

Overcrowding can harm children’s health, relationships and development. Overcrowded housing often indicates poor water and sewage supplies. Additionally, consider living conditions such as the average number of shared rooms per person and whether the home has basic comforts.

A typical Canadian home has 2.6 rooms per person, but 99.8% have private indoor flushing toilets.


Having a job has several significant advantages:

Income: It provides a source of money.

Social inclusion : Making individuals feel connected.

Goal setting: It enables you to achieve your goals.

Self-esteem: It increases self-esteem.

Skills development : Helps you learn and advance.

Only 70% of people aged 15 to 64 have jobs in Canada. The unemployed want to work and are actively looking for work.

Being unemployed for a long time can harm your well-being, self-esteem and work skills. In Canada, 0.5% of the workforce has been unemployed for more than a year.

Two factors determine the quality of work: salary and security.

Wages : The average in Canada is USD 55,165 per year.

Job security: Your job security depends on how likely you are to lose your job and how long you will be without a job. Unemployment in Canada costs employees 3.8% of their income.

Also, check out How to find work in Canada.


Canada’s diverse ocean currents influence its varied climate. The Great Lakes moderated parts of southern Ontario and Quebec, while westerly winds brought heavy rain to the coast of British Columbia. The central plains are hot, while the northern two-thirds are cold.

Weather varies from -81°F (-63°C) in the Yukon to 113°F (45°C) in Saskatchewan. The weather is warmer at the seaside.

The west coast receives more rain than the midlands, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Provinces. Coastal areas get less snow than inland areas, especially mountains.

Winter freezes could hamper transportation across the country.


Education is very important for the well-being of a country:

Knowledge and abilities : These equip people for life and work.

Job opportunities : Good education improves job prospects.

Years in Education : Canadians typically receive 17 years of education (from 5 to 39 years).

High school graduation is important because the job market requires knowledge-based skills. In Canada, 92% of adults aged 25-64 years completed high school.

However, graduation rates do not indicate the quality of education. PISA evaluates abilities and knowledge. Canada scored 517 in reading, math and science.

A good school system provides quality education to all students.


Live in Canada? Consider the following environmental factors:

Health risks from air pollution : In Canada, PM2.5 is 7.1 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter).

Water: Clean water is very important. 90% of Canadians are satisfied with their water quality; therefore, be aware of environmental elements that may affect your health.


For those living in Canada, it is worth noting that life expectancy has increased thanks to better living conditions, healthcare, and public health efforts.

The average life expectancy of Canadians is 82 years. In Canada, 89% of people consider themselves healthy. Self-assessments may vary based on gender, age, socioeconomic status, and future health care needs.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Canada varies greatly according to different regions of the country.

If you live in Canada as a family of four, the average monthly cost is 4,805 CAD without rent. For one person, the average monthly cost is 1,344 CAD without rent.

In Toronto, a family of four spends about 5,490 CAD every month, while a single person spends about 1,511 CAD every month (excluding rent).

In Vancouver, a family of four spends about 5,317 CAD every month, while one person spends about 1,455 CAD every month (excluding rent).


Personal security is essential to well-being. Do you feel comfortable going out alone at night? In Canada, 78% feel comfortable walking alone at night.

The homicide rate (the number of murders per 100,000 people) is a better indication of a country’s security than the figures shown by authorities. The murder rate in Canada is 1.2.

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