October 13, 2024

The validity period of Indonesian passports will be longer, a maximum of 10 years!

Some time ago, rumors surfaced that the validity period of Indonesian passports had changed to 10 years. The question is, is this news just a rumor or is it already true now?
According to reports from various trusted online media, the news that the validity period of Indonesian passports has changed from 5 years to 10 years is true. The legal basis has also been created, namely Government Regulation Number 51 of 2020 concerning amendments to PP No. 31 of 2013.
PP No. 51 of 2020 also changes the contents of article 51 of the previous PP, so that it reads “The validity period of an ordinary passport is a maximum of 10 (ten) years from the date of issue.”

Currently Still Not Valid

However, this government regulation does not come into effect immediately, because we still have to wait for implementing regulations that regulate the technical details. This was confirmed by the Head of Public Relations and General Affairs of the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Arvin Gumilang as quoted by CNN Indonesia .
“Currently there are new regulations governing the validity period of passports. However, we are still waiting for implementing regulations which will regulate the technical details,” he said.
Therefore, if you make a new passport or extend your passport before the implementing regulations are issued and a passport with a validity period of 10 years is issued. You will still get a regular passport with a validity period of 5 years. 
Meanwhile, passports that have been issued and that you already have, will also remain valid until their validity period expires.
“So currently passports that have been issued will still be valid until their validity period expires,” said Arvin Gumilang as quoted by CNN Indonesia.
There is no news yet when the implementing regulations for changing the validity period of Indonesian passports will be completed and passports with a validity period of 10 years will be launched.

10 Year Passport Validity Period Makes It More Efficient

In PP no. 51 of 2020 also states the reasons why the regulations regarding the validity period of Indonesian passports were changed. The reason is efficiency, because it would be very inefficient if the passport had to be replaced every 5 years, even though there are still quite a lot of passport pages when the validity period expires. If you have a passport but rarely leave the country, you must have experienced this!
This efficiency will also help the process of procuring passport forms or documents so that it is not hampered every year, because more and more Indonesians have passports nowadays. So, changing the validity period of Indonesian passports to 10 years is very reasonable.

Will Passport Costs Increase?

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Along with the change in passport validity period from 5 years to 10 years, the cost of making a passport, which is included in Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), is also likely to change. However, this has not yet been confirmed, because it will only be confirmed when the implementing regulations come out.
“This (PNBP) will probably be included in what will be regulated later. But if you think logically, it is possible that there will be differences in PNBP for different passport periods,” said Arvin Gumilang as quoted by Kontan .
If it only goes up a little but the validity period is 10 years, it shouldn’t be a problem, right? We also hope that passport options with a 5 year validity period are still available, with the same or even cheaper production costs than now, so that people have a choice.

Many Other Countries Issue 10 Year Passports

Of course, Indonesia is not the only country in the world that will issue passports with a validity period of 10 years. In ASEAN itself, this has been done by Vietnam and the Philippines . Singapore previously also issued passports with a validity period of 10 years, but this changed to 5 years after e-passports or biometric passports were issued.
Large countries such as the United States , UK , Japan , Germany and France also issue passports with a validity period of 10 years. Some countries also issue two types of passport as an option, for example in Japan, adults aged 20 years and over can choose a passport with a validity period of 5 years (blue cover) or 10 years (red cover) with different production costs.

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